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Showing posts with the label lean


KAIZEN KAIZEN is a Japanese word meaning gradual and orderly, continuous improvement. Adopting KAIZEN involves the creation of a culture of sustained continuous improvement focusing on eliminating waste in all systems and processes of an organization. There are two essential elements that make up KAIZEN: improvement/change for the better; and ongoing/continuity. A system/culture that lacks either of these is not true KAIZEN. Thus, maintaining existing ways of working (good though they may be) lacks the essential 'improvement' element, though it ensures continuity. Similarly, breakthrough improvement, not backed up by effective ongoing improvement, lacks the element of continuity. KAIZEN should contain both elements. KAIZEN is not consistent with the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". KAIZEN achieves its effects by working through people. All are expected to be involved. Managers, for example, are expected to spend about half their time on i...