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Work Measurement in Textile Industry

Work Measurement in Textile Industry Work Measurement: Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for an average worker to carry out a specified manufacturing task at a defined level of performance (to measure the time of a work for a worker). It is concerned with the length of time it takes to complete a work task assigned to a specific job . Work Measurement in Textile Industry Objectives of Work Measurement:  1. Work study:  Work measurement is needed when we do work study.  Work study  or research can help to develop a current working procedure.   2. Comparison of alternative method:  By doing comparison better method can be found.  Example:  We have two methods and two are good, but after calculating the time we can see that one is taking less time than that of other. In that case we can select the less time select one (job). 3. Worker appointment:  By counting or m...