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Showing posts with the label Kaizen

Kaizen nedir? Kaizen iyileştirmeleri nelerdir?

Kaizen nedir? Kaizen iyileştirmeleri nelerdir? Kaizen  kelimesi, Japonca değişim anlamına gelen “kai” ve iyileştirme anlamına gelen “zen” sözcüklerinden oluşur, bütünsel olarak düşünüldüğünde “iyileştirerek değiştirme” anlamını taşır. Herkesin gündelik hayatında sürekli uyguladığı küçük aksiyonlardır. Japonlar icat etmek yerine sürekli iyileştirme felsefesini benimsemiştir ve takım halinde hareket ederler, başarıya giden yolda, bir görevi birisini kahraman ilan ederek sadece o kişiye yüklemek yerine, görevleri takım halindeki gruplara paylaştırırlar. Bu yüzdendir ki Japon bir teknik adamın, tek başına kaldığında ne yapacağını bilemez bir halde etrafta dolaştığına dahi rastlanmıştır. Kaizenler genel anlamda üç kategoride incelenebilir: Hızlı Kaizen Standard Kaizen Majör Kaizen Bu kategoriler dışında  majör kaizen  kategorisindeki TIE (Toplam Endüstriyel Mühendislik) Kaizenleri ve İleri Kaizen yer alır. TIE kaizen’in majör kaizenden farkı iyileştirmenin kapsam...

Continuous Improvement-Kaizen

Continuous Improvement Continuous improvement is not a tool or technique as such; more a way of life or at least a cultural approach to quality improvement and the concept of continuous improvement has to be set in the context of the quality "movement". Quality as a business issue in the way we know it now arose with labour specialisation, mass production and automation techniques; techniques which moved away from the traditional expert craftsman approach to quality. In the new world of factories and mass production, quality was obtained by inspecting each part and passing only those that met specifications. This was true until 1931 when Walter A. Shewhart, a statistician at the Hawthorne plant at Western Electric published his book Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product (Van Nostrand, 1931). This book is the foundation of modern statistical process control (SPC) and provides the basis for the philosophy of total quality management or continuous process im...


KAIZEN KAIZEN is a Japanese word meaning gradual and orderly, continuous improvement. Adopting KAIZEN involves the creation of a culture of sustained continuous improvement focusing on eliminating waste in all systems and processes of an organization. There are two essential elements that make up KAIZEN: improvement/change for the better; and ongoing/continuity. A system/culture that lacks either of these is not true KAIZEN. Thus, maintaining existing ways of working (good though they may be) lacks the essential 'improvement' element, though it ensures continuity. Similarly, breakthrough improvement, not backed up by effective ongoing improvement, lacks the element of continuity. KAIZEN should contain both elements. KAIZEN is not consistent with the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". KAIZEN achieves its effects by working through people. All are expected to be involved. Managers, for example, are expected to spend about half their time on i...

Primary/Basic Elements of Lean Manufacturing Process

Primary/Basic Elements of Lean Manufacturing Process Lean Manufacturing:  Lean Manufacturing, or Lean Production, refers to a business concept wherein the goal is to minimize the amount of time and resources used in the manufacturing processes and other activities of an enterprise, with emphasis on eliminating all forms of wastage. It is basically the fusion of various management philosophies designed to make operations as efficient as possible. Business philosophies invoked by lean manufacturing include Just-in-Time (JIT) Manufacturing,  Kaizen ,  Total Quality Management (TQM) , Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Cellular Manufacturing, and the like. The roots of lean manufacturing can be traced to Japan, or more specifically, Toyota. Lean Manufacturing Process Description of the Five Primary Elements of Lean Manufacturing: The Five Primary Elements for lean manufacturing are M anufacturing Flow, Organization, Process Control, Metrics, and L...

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering (IE): Industrial Engineering (IE) is a profession in which a knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop the ways to utilize economically the materials and other natural resources and focus of nature for the benefit of mankind. It is also known as systems engineering, production engineering, and operations management. Industrial engineering is going to play a pivotal role in increasing productivity. We have lots of article on Industrial Engineering (IE). Which links are given below. A Comprehensive Study on Lean Manufacturing Process Lean Manufacturing:  Lean Manufacturing – A way to eliminate waste and improve efficiency in a manufacturing environment. Lean focuses on flow, the value stream and eliminating ‘muda’, the Japanese word for waste. Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything compared to traditional mass production: less waste, hum...